Air Transat Wifi Guide 2022

Air Transat is proud to offer its passengers complimentary WiFi on all flights. Whether you want to stay connected with work, or stay entertained with your favourite shows, our WiFi has got you covered.

Does Air Transat have WiFi on the plane?

Air Transat WiFi As of October 2019, Air Transat offers in-flight WiFi on all of its aircraft. The service is available for purchase in two different packages:

– Surf & Stream: unlimited high-speed browsing and streaming at a cost of $9.99 per flight. – Social: unlimited messaging (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, iMessage, etc.) at a cost of $4.99 per flight. In order to use the service, passengers must have a device that is compatible with the Gogo Inflight WiFi system.

Once connected to the system, passengers can purchase a package and begin using the service for the duration of their flight. Overall, Air Transat’s in-flight WiFi is a great option for passengers who need to stay connected while in the air. The service is reliable and reasonably priced, making it a good choice for those who need to stay connected while traveling.

Does Air Transat have TV?

Air Transat is a Canadian airline that offers flights to destinations in Canada, the United States, Europe, the Caribbean, Mexico and South America. The airline also offers a variety of services, including air travel, hotel reservations, car rentals, and vacation packages. One of the services that Air Transat offers is WiFi.

The Air Transat WiFi service allows passengers to connect to the Internet while in flight. The service is available on all Air Transat flights, except for flights to/from Cuba. To use the Air Transat WiFi service, passengers must have a laptop, tablet or smartphone with WiFi capabilities.

The Air Transat WiFi service is not available for use with smart TVs or other streaming devices. Once onboard, passengers can connect to the “Air Transat” WiFi network. Once connected, passengers will be redirected to the Air Transat WiFi portal, where they can purchase a WiFi package.

Does Air Transat have an app?

Air Transat offers in-flight WiFi on most of its flights, allowing passengers to stay connected while in the air. The service is available for a fee, and there are a few different plans to choose from. The basic plan offers unlimited data for a set price, while the premium plan offers faster speeds and unlimited data for a higher price.

There are also pay-as-you-go and day passes available for those who don’t want to commit to a plan. In-flight WiFi can be a great way to stay connected while traveling, but it’s important to keep in mind that the service can be expensive and the speeds can vary. If you’re planning on using in-flight WiFi, be sure to do your research ahead of time to find the best plan for your needs.

Is Option Plus on Air Transat worth it?

In-flight WiFi is now available on many airlines and it’s a great way to stay connected while you travel. But what about Air Transat? Does this Canadian airline offer in-flight WiFi and how much does it cost?

Air Transat does offer in-flight WiFi on select flights. The service is available on all flights to and from Europe, as well as on flights to and from the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America. The service is not available on flights within Canada.

The cost of the service depends on the length of the flight. For flights to and from Europe, the cost is $9.99 for a 24-hour pass. For flights to and from the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America, the cost is $7.99 for a 24-hour pass.


According to the blog post, Air Transat is now offering WiFi on select flights! This is great news for travelers who want to stay connected while in the air. The service is available on select flights to and from Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Prices start at $9.99 for 30 minutes of use.

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